Pudina – Bread Pudding

  • Time:
    1 hour
  • Serves:
    8 medium size pieces

Traditional maltese bread pudding (pudina tal-hobz) ideally served with a cup of tea or coffee during the winter season.


1 stale maltese bread ( 400 grams )
200 grams sugar
200 grams coconut
100 grams butter
4 tablespoons cocoa powder
200 ml milk
80 grams roasted almonds
80 grams roasted hazelnut
80 grams roasted walnuts
2 tablespoons vermouth (optional)


Place the stale bread in container and pour enough water to cover all the bread . Let the bread soak for at least 1 hour, preferably overnight. Place the bread into a colander and let it drain, use your hands to remove any excess water. Using a wooden spoon  mash the bread.   Cut the butter into small chunks and mix well with the bread.  Set aside 2 tablespoon of sugar.  Add the remaining sugar, coconut, cocoa powder, milk and vermouth, if using , with the bread mixture.  Mix all the ingredients together using the wooden spoon until it gets a grainy texture.

pudina ingredients pudina mix ingredientsIMG_6524

Preheat the oven to 180° C and grease the baking dish.  Set aside some almonds, and walnuts to use for decorating to top of the pudding.  Cut the remaining walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds into large chunks and add to the bread mixture.  You can also add some sultanas or cherries.  Pour the mixture into the greased baking dish and level it using a wooden spoon.  Sprinkle the sugar left on the side and decorate the top using the almonds and walnuts.

pudina pudina coated with sugar golden pudina

Bake in the oven for about 40 to 50 minutes are until the top becomes golden brown.   The pudding can be served warm or cold.

piece of pudina pudinaslice of pudina

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