Portobello Mushroom Lasagna

  • Time:
    1 1/2 hour
  • Serves:

Traditional lasagna is an Italian dish made with meat sauce.  The french have come up with their own way of doing the lasagna using portobello mushrooms.  I found this recipe in the ‘Barefoot contessa at home’ book and this is a must for mushroom lovers.


1/2 teaspoon salt
olive oil
200 grams dried lasagna noodles
800 ml milk
113 grams unsalted butter
50 grams all purpose flour
1 teaspoon fresh ground pepper
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
400 grams portobello mushrooms/td>
130 grams grated parmesan cheese


As a mushroom lover I had to try this recipe, and I have to admit that I wasn’t disappointed.   Preheat oven to 200 degrees   Pour water into a large bot , sprinkle some salt and a teaspoon of olive oil, bring the water to boil.  Add the lasagna noodles and cook for 10 minutes until the noodles are softened.  Separate the noodles and drain the water.

Heat the milk in a suacepan, do not bring to boil.  In a separate saucepan on medium heat place all butter except for 2 tablespoons which will be used later.  When butter is completely melted reduce heat and slowly add the sifted flour while stirring consistently.  Pour the hot milk to the flour mixture and continue to stir to avoid lumps. Add salt, pepper and nutmeg and continue to stir for around 5 minutes on low heat, set aside.


mushrooms - Mushroom Lasagnamushrooms - Mushroom Lasagnalasagna noodle - Mushroom Lasagna

Clean the mushrooms with a damp cloth and remove their stems, slice mushrooms int medium size chunks.  Melt 2 tablespoons of butter into a saucepan.  When the butter melts add the mushrooms and a pinch of salt.  Cook until mushrooms are tender.

white sauce - Mushroom LasagnaAdd mushrooms - Mushroom Lasagnacheese - Mushroom Lasagna

In a dish place a layer of noodles to cover the bottom the dish.  Spread a layer of sauce on top of the noodles, 1/3 rd of the mushrooms and 1/4th of grated cheese.  Repeat this layering and finish off with a layer of sauce topped by cheese.  Bake the lasagna for about 45 minutes, until the top is brown and sauce is bubbly.  When ready the lasagna set for about 15 minutes to cool down before serving.  Enjoy 🙂

ready lasagna - Mushroom Lasagnaready lasagna - Mushroom Lasagna




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